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American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014, 2(2), 66-72
DOI: 10.12691/AJAMS-2-2-3
Original Research

Increment Primes

P.M. Mazurkin1,

1Doctor of Engineering Science, Academician of RANS, member of EANS, Volga Region State Technological University, Russia

Pub. Date: February 26, 2014

Cite this paper

P.M. Mazurkin. Increment Primes. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2014; 2(2):66-72. doi: 10.12691/AJAMS-2-2-3


The increment of prime numbers was a clear indication. Increase - the number increases, the addition of something. If the number of prime numbers, figuratively called the "ladder of Gauss-Riemann", the increase may well be likened to the steps, separated from the ladder itself. We prove that the law is obeyed z2(i2=2)=1/2-1/2cos(πP(n)/2) in the critical line i2=2 of the second digit binary number system. This functional model was stable and in other quantities of prime numbers (3000 and 100 000). The critical line is the Riemann column i2=2 binary matrix of a prime rate. Not all non-trivial zeros lie on it. There is also a line of frames, the initial rate (yields patterns of symmetry) and left the envelope binary number 1. Cryptographers cannot worry: even on the critical line growth of prime numbers z2i=1/2-1/2cos(πPj/2) contain the irrational number π=3.14159….


prime numbers, increase, the critical line, the root of 1/2


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[1]  Don Zagier. The first 50 million prime numbers. URL:
[2]  Mazurkin P.M. Biotechnical principle and stable distribution laws // Successes of modern natural sciences. 2009. № 9, 93-97.