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American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013, 1(5), 87-89
DOI: 10.12691/AJAMS-1-5-2
Original Research

Cost Effectiveness Statistic: A Proposal to Take Into Account the Patient Stratification Factors

Ciro D'Urso1,

1ICT Department, Italian Senate, LUMSA University, Rome, Italy

Pub. Date: October 09, 2013

Cite this paper

Ciro D'Urso. Cost Effectiveness Statistic: A Proposal to Take Into Account the Patient Stratification Factors. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. 2013; 1(5):87-89. doi: 10.12691/AJAMS-1-5-2


The formula here proposed can be used to conduct economic analysis in randomized clinical trials. It is based on a statistical approach and aims at calculating a revised version of the incremental cost-effective ratio (ICER) in order to take into account the key factors that can influence the choice of therapy causing confounding by indication. Let us take as an example a new therapy to treat cancer being compared to an existing therapy with effectiveness taken as time to death. A challenging problem is that the ICER is defined in terms of means over the entire treatment groups. It makes no provision for stratification by groups of patients with differing risk of death. For example, for a fair and unbiased analysis, one would desire to compare time to death in groups with similar life expectancy which would be impacted by factors such as age, gender, disease severity, etc. The method we decided to apply is borrowed by cluster analysis and aims at (i) discard any outliers in the set under analysis that may arise, (ii) identify groups (i.e. clusters) of patients with "similar" key factors.


ICER, cost effectiveness analysis, cluster analysis, outlier identification


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